Frangipane Mince Pies

Mince Pie‘Tis the season to be jolly – Christmas is incoming on all sides. Having had a mini mince pie freebie the other day, Mrs S decided this weekend that the thing she really, really wanted more than anything else in the world was a mince pie. There’s an M&S mini food store 10 minutes’ walk away but I suggested that I could provide her requirements in-house. I’d seen a recipe in Pastry (by Richard Bertinet) that looked quite grown-up and different, given that the topping was frangipane rather than open or pastry, as traditionally seen. I thought the time was right to see if I could make a pastry-based Christmas goodie.

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Meringue Kisses

kissesOr, more accurately, meringue Sorting Hats. When I made some chocolate buns recently, I had 6 egg whites left over. I asked for the help of my eldest daughter, Sophie, in making them as I’ve never piped anything before. Whereas if it involves a creative bent, Sophie is probably the most accomplished craft practitioner I know. She’s one of those people who look at something and go ‘I can make that’ – and then does. And presentation is a big part of her creations. I have no idea where it comes from – certainly not me. Mrs S blames the milkman! Sophie lent me a book she has by the Meringue Girls, who have elevated simple meringues to something of an art form.

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